ACSG Celebrate International Women's Day
In honour of International Women's Day, we're thrilled to share insightful interviews with ACSG women in leadership, education and business development, highlighting their journeys, triumphs and invaluable advice.
Shaunte Mears-Watkins
What is your favourite aspect of working with ACSG?
The people. We have great, knowledgeable employees at ACSG who care deeply about the impact they can have. In addition to that, I can interact with passionate clinic owners, product innovators, and individuals leading some of the world’s leading brands in our industry. There’s no shortage of great ideas when you keep that sort of company.
What advice would you have for your younger self with regards to career?
Trust yourself more and always be willing to learn something new. While expertise naturally comes along with years of experience, adaptability is a separate skill that you must actively develop and practice.
Have you had any great female role models during your career and what have you learned from them?
I feel that I’ve spent most of my life learning how to feel more comfortable standing out, both in the workplace and beyond. I’ve always been quite tall, and as a child I remember often trying to make myself seem shorter. One day when I was a teenager, my grandmother saw a picture I’d taken with some friends. I thought I’d perfected the art of shrinking myself. My grandmother took one look at the photo and remarked that I didn’t look short, I just looked awkward and unconfident, and that she wished I wouldn’t try to mask the traits that make me, me. That stuck with me for many years and has been a theme in my career as well. I’ve been very fortunate to work with and for several exceptional female leaders throughout my career, and while they all have had different skills, those I’ve been most drawn to are those who are bold and unapologetic about what makes them different.
Heidi Gough
Why do you believe it's important to have women in leadership positions, and what unique perspectives do they bring to the cosmeceutical industry in particular?
I believe that a diverse leadership group encourages creativity and better strategic thinking. So having a mix of representation in leadership roles is important as nearly everyone will have different strengths and weaknesses and can therefore being something unique to the table.
How do you balance the demands of leadership in ACSG with personal well-being, and what tips do you have for women aiming to maintain a healthy work-life balance while building a career?
Honestly this can be hard and sometimes I don't get it right. But a work-life balance means different things to different people and will also change depending on where you are with your career and life. I have young kids currently, so the weekends are very important, and I make sure that I spend quality time with them. To achieve this, it really all comes down to strict prioritisation- both in my personal life and professional life. Professionally, I am all about continuous improvement and striving to get the most important work completed as priority one. Always consider whether things can be done in a better way, speak up when there is room for improvement and follow through with action. You will be glad you did in the long run.
What advice would you have for your younger self with regards to career?
Trust your gut instinct. Having worked as a contractor in the UK when I was younger, when I trusted my gut, I generally enjoyed a new opportunity, when I didn't – I generally regretted it.
Lauren Davies
DMK Business Development Manager
What advice would you give to other women aspiring to enter the beauty industry?
Be a sponge, Learn more. If you’re not where you want to be ask yourself, what do I need to learn in order to get where I want to be. Educate yourself, Knowledge is power. Seek inspiration but find your own niche and be authentic. Keep putting yourself out there. Get comfortable in the uncomfortable. This is how we grow and learn. Listen to your clients and create repertoire.
How do you balance the demands of working with multiple skin clinics with personal well-being, and what tips do you have for women aiming to maintain a healthy work-life balance while building a career?
I think balancing a healthy work-life is something I’m always working to improve; however, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Having a solid morning routine, bullet proofs my day. The 5am club will change your life. It’s a life hack I incorporated into my daily routine a few years ago. Waking up early before your kids/family allows you that uninterrupted time to focus solely on yourself, however, control the controllable. Being adaptable and modifying your day when things don’t go to plan. This will lower your stress levels. Talking of managing stress levels remember to take your Relax supplements daily! Nourishing your body. Downtime and recharging. Saying no to things that don’t align with you over the weekends and taking one to two hours every Sunday to plan your week, whatever that may look like.
Tell us about a career highlight.
I have two that stand out. It’s the small wins, receiving feedback from therapists after training saying how they have implemented my advice and changed a client’s skin. That will always be the best feeling. Getting the opportunity to work alongside some of the world’s top clinics and surrounding myself daily with leaders within the industry. It’s always a pinch me moment entering the clinics. I will be forever grateful for these experiences.
Jenna Hartley
DMK Business Development Manager
What advice would you give to other women aspiring to enter the beauty industry?
See this as a career that you are also a lifelong student in. Study as many aspects of skin, holistic therapy, and human behaviour as you can. I know it is so cliché, but knowledge is so powerful and makes you confident to treat any skin condition that walks through the door. Also, have fun at work, you are there a lot!
Tell us about a career highlight.
I immediately think of massaging some of the All-Blacks back in the day! But in all seriousness, it would be being offered the role of Business Development Manager and Educator for DMK NZ. It has been such an incredible journey and I have grown in so many ways. My daily highlights now come from hearing about all my therapist’s successes in changing skins.
Have you had any great female role models during your career and what have you learned from them?
I have been blessed to work with some incredible women, and they’ve taught me everything! I would love to shout out to two of them who have had a major influence in this current stage of my career. My now colleague and past educator – Rozita Maclean – She is the guru of skin, and has also taught me to how to silence the imposter syndrome and just go for it. My past employer Gry Tomte. I have so much respect and awe for Gry. She has taught me how to chase your dreams and be confident in what you have to offer the world. She also continues to teach me how to be a better business mentor, a better educator, and how to show up and support my clinics better.
Traci Thompson
AC Business Development Manager
Can you share the journey of how you established a successful career in the skincare industry?
I studied a Master of Fine Arts with a major in Anatomy and Physiology. I thought I was going to use my studies to become an Art Teacher! After learning more about the human body and skin histology, I was totally in awe of nature’s brilliance to repair itself, it became my career focus from then.
What are some of the trends that you are seeing in the industry that cater to the unique needs and preferences of women consumers?
I see a tend toward multiple platform treatment offerings and less invasive in clinic treatments. Clients are more body focussed and looking for a holistic treatment offering for example, mesoestetic dermamelan Intimate, has been well received in the market. The depigmentation method provides a dual treatment, achieving an effective result in the short and long term to correct the appearance of hyperpigmentation in the intimate area.
How do you balance the demands of working with multiple skin clinics with personal well-being, and what tips do you have for women aiming to maintain a healthy work-life balance while building a career?
Balance is always the key here. If you connect with yourself and focus on a healthy mind and well rested body, you can achieve anything. Any work you put into yourself, and your studies is not wasted. The knowledge and skills you acquire will benefit every part of your life. Be your true authentic self and set healthy boundaries that protect your energy levels. I like to spend time with people who connect me to the best version of myself.
Trudie Dodd
AC Skincare Educator
What are some of the trends that you are seeing in the industry that cater to the unique needs and preferences of women consumers?
There is a surge in the world of ingestibles – I love this because I am a true advocate that good health and skin comes from within. Women can now cater to the needs of their busy lifestyles by using additional herbs and supplements to support gut health, hair, skin, and nails. My personal favourite is the Par Olive Marine Collagen – it is a very high-quality product and has made a world of difference to my current regime. My nails have never been stronger, and I feel it has supported my skin microbiome and barrier now that I am in my Menopausal years.
How do you balance the demands of working with multiple skin clinics with personal well-being, and what tips do you have for women aiming to maintain a healthy work-life balance while building a career?
To balance the demands of my career, I focus on the acronym NOURISH. This helps me to stay balanced, focused and calm. I have always been compelled to work on my self-care, ever since I was first introduced to positive affirmations at the age of 16. It truly does set you up to be able to become the best version of yourself and small incremental tasks go a long way to establishing healthy lifelong habits which provide you with skin longevity, happiness, and a positive mindset.
- N = Notice Nature – I walk my dog every day to get some fresh air and get outside
- O = Observe your Breath – yoga breathing calms your nervous system
- U = Unite with Others – make time to see your friends and encourage happy feel-good neurotransmitters!
- R = Replenish with Good Food – nutrition is everything – healthy fats, protein, and low GI carbs
- I = Initiate Movement – going back to dancing to exercise my brain muscle and improve fitness
- S = Sit in Stillness – guided meditation for five minutes a day
- H = Harness your Creativity – make time for fun hobbies that challenge you
What advice would you have for your younger self with regards to career?
I would have challenged myself more! There were some roles that I thought were way out of my capacity but now I know I could totally have nailed them! Always keep updating your industry knowledge with workshops, online courses, certificates and meet ups – it’s invaluable networking and keeps you refreshed and energised for the work we do in the industry.